Hidden Fat in Your Muscles Is Harming Your Heart – Here’s Why

Hidden Fat in Your Muscles Is Harming Your Heart – Here’s Why

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Discover how fat inside muscles could harm your heart and what you can do to improve muscle health. Learn proven strategies to reduce risk.

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The Benefits of Taurine for Cardiovascular Health

The Benefits of Taurine for Cardiovascular Health

Taurine is more than just an amino acid. Emerging research highlights its impressive benefits for cardiovascular health, including blood pressure reduction and improved heart function. Learn how taurine can potentially enhance your heart health.
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How Glutathione Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

How Glutathione Helps Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death globally. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, plays a critical role in reducing the oxidative stress that contributes to these conditions. This article explores the science behind glutathione's impact on heart health and how it can be leveraged to prevent cardiovascular issues.
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Can High-Intensity Exercise Reverse Aging's Impact on the Heart?

Can High-Intensity Exercise Reverse Aging's Impact on the Heart?

Poor fitness and sedentary aging can increase heart stiffness, leading to heart failure. But can high-intensity exercise reverse these effects? A study suggests it can. Read on to discover how high-intensity workouts may protect your heart and slow aging.
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This Predicts the Risk of Heart Attacks Better Than LDL

This Predicts the Risk of Heart Attacks Better Than LDL

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Did you know that managing LDL cholesterol might not be the most effective way to predict heart attack risk? Recent studies point to a game-changer in heart health: LDL and VLDL particles, specifically apoB particles, may predict heart attack risks more accurately than traditional cholesterol tests.
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Simple Change Can Decrease Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Simple Change Can Decrease Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
This study looked at how olive oil, compared to butter, affects our heart health markers, like blood pressure and cholesterol level.
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What can glutathione do for cardiac protection

What can glutathione do for cardiac protection

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
The glutathione system is a vital defender against heart damage, acting as an antioxidant powerhouse within the cardiovascular system.
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What factors are playing a role in Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline and cardiovascular disease?

Alongside oxidative stress and inflammation, altered cholesterol metabolism and hypercholesterolemia also significantly contribute to neuronal damage and to the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (Gamba P, et.al., 2015). Levels of oxysterols derived from cholesterol oxidation and inflammatory mediators have been found to be increased in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients (Testa...
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Can free radicals clog up your arteries?

Can free radicals clog up your arteries?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
Yes they can. Oxidative stress is recognized as an important factor in the creation of cardiovascular disease. The following research is interesting because the participants were 114 healthy non-smokers without any known atherosclerosis (Ashfaq S, et al. 2006). Oxidative stress was estimated by measuring blood levels of glutathione, it’s oxidized...
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Well proven, but often overlooked cardiovascular risk factor

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
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Does protein affect your risk for cardiovascular disease?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
We basically have 4 big categories of fat, monounsaturated fat (MUFA), polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), saturated fat and trans fat. Examples of MUFA are nuts. Examples of PUFA are vegetable oils, but also some nuts, especially walnuts and also omega 3 fat from fish and fish oil. The highest amount of...
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Omega 3 fatty acids and your arteries.

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
Arteries usually get stiffer as we get older. I review at a lot of research, and my conclusion is that it is not how many years you have lived that is the most important factor, but your lifestyle and nutritional habits. Eating healthy anti-inflammatory food and stressing your body regularly...
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Easy way to improve the function of your blood vessels.

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
Vascular endothelium function tend to decline as we get older unless we have a healthy lifestyle and eat a certain way. The endothelium is the inner layer of the blood vessels. Research has shown that the severity of endothelial dysfunction relates to cardiovascular disease (Widlansky ME, et al. 2003). Is...
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Early predictor of atherosclerosis.

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
Oxidative stress is an important factor in the development of atherosclerosis (buildup in the arteries). For that reason, measuring oxidative stress could be used as a predictor of early atherosclerosis. This is what was investigated in a study of healthy non-smokers (Ashfaq S, et al. 2006). Carotid intima-media thickness was measured...
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Can it be this easy to reduce your risk of dying?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
Cardiovascular disease will increase your risk of dying, that is well established. If you could decrease your risk for cardiovascular disease, you would decrease your risk of dying. The research I review here will show you a very easy way to do that. The study included 9,820 participants with an average...
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What happens when you eat a high protein diet?

Posted by:  tissuerecovery Admin
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What could be a common cause of both low back pain and cardiovascular disease?

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This may be one of the reasons blood vessels get damaged.

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
Increased triglyceride levels in the blood has for a long time been recognized as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Why, though, has not been understood very well. This research may shed some light on the mechanism. High triglyceride levels trigger foam cell formation which recruit monocytes, a type of...
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What can an avocado a day do for you?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
A fresh avocado cut in halfAvocados contain a lot of fat, including a certain type of fat called monounsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial. How beneficial are they?The reviewed research compared a low fat diet (24% fat) with two moderate fat diets (34% fat) (Wang L, et al. 2015). The...
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