Learn to Eat: Feel Great and Reach Your Goals!
- You will sleep better – and wake up feeling rested!
- You will feel like you’re on an even keel (instead of being edgy!)
- Banish aches and pains (experience life without limits!)
- Imagine the sensation of being calm, energized, pain-free, and at your ideal weight…without dieting or taking drugs!
That’s what the Learn to Eat program can do for you. Remember: This Program is yours forever!
Use neurotransmitters to your advantage to help change your eating habits so you achieve your goals.
The knowledge of neurotransmitters has been used by the advertising industry for years. Why shouldn’t you take advantage of this so you can achieve what you want instead of being influenced by marketers to do what they want?
You will also receive daily emails with interactive tools for 30 days to educate and motivate you to establish new habits.
Learn to Eat is not your grandmother’s diet or your sister’s or uncle’s diet. We are all different genetically, and metabolize food in our own way. Your biochemistry is not exactly the same as your neighbors’ or even that of a close family member. If two people eat exactly the same food, they don’t necessarily get the same results. You probably know someone who can eat huge amounts of food every day and remain slim and healthy, while someone else eats very little and is overweight and has a chronic disease. That’s why I created the Learn to Eat program, incorporating the most effective strategies from up-to-date research and over 35 years of clinical experience. Reaching your ideal weight isn’t just about fitting into smaller jeans or looking great on the beach. It has a profound effect on your health.
Aches, pains, stiffness and low energy turned into a life without limits
Suffering from aches and pains can be discouraging. If you have not felt good for a long time, you may be wondering if this is your future. How wonderful it would be to wake up without pain and stiffness slowing you down. What a feeling…to experience the energy you had years ago, and realize you can do whatever you want to do without limits! Inflammation and free radical damage are always involved when you have aches and pains. The Learn to Eat program reduces inflammation and helps you turn things around.
Elevate your mood and feel happier
Research suggests that inflammation contributes to depression. Eating the right way for your body is very effective in reducing inflammation and stabilizing your blood sugar. When your blood sugar is stable, you avoid emotional ups and downs, and the irritable feeling you can get when your blood sugar is low.
Reduce your risk for chronic disease
Reducing inflammation also reduces your risk for chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis, certain cancers, macular degeneration, and cataract. Instead of only treating symptoms, correcting the underlying reasons for these conditions will improve your health over the long-term. Improving your biochemistry will help lower fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (the bad cholesterol) and hs–CRP an inflammatory marker, and increase HDL (the good cholesterol). You’ll feel relaxed and happy knowing that you are taking steps to reduce the risk of the common chronic diseases you fear the most. It’s amazing to realize how much control you have over how you feel and function.
Losing weight and becoming healthy naturally
What do you want to accomplish?
- Lose weight
- Gain muscle
- Improve athletic performance
- Reduce inflammation and pain
- Lower cholesterol and triglycerides
- A combination of these goals
The Learn to Eat program isn’t about counting calories. You won’t feel hungry, and your cravings for sweets will vanish.The major difference between The Learn to Eat program and other programs is that you will learn how to customize a food plan precisely for you.Whatever your goals, you will learn how to use different foods in specific ways to achieve your objectives. For example, you would not eat exactly the same way to lose weight as you would improve sports performance. In our program you will discover:
- How and why different foods affect you
- How to put together meals that will produce the results you’re looking for
- How to lose weight effortlessly by eating the foods your body needs
- How to gain muscle and improve sports performance.
- How to reduce inflammation and pain
- How to stabilize your moods so you feel happier
- How to lower cholesterol and triglycerides
Research-based diet
Let’s face it. Weight loss plans are a dime a dozen. Most of them work for some people, for a short period of time. Then the weight comes back with a vengeance because people can’t follow them and revert to their old ways of eating. The Learn to Eat program is not just another diet plan. It is a completely radical take on losing weight the healthy way. By eliminating particular foods that are included in other programs, and incorporating specific foods that help improve your biochemistry, it becomes dramatically easier to lose weight, build muscle, and reduce your risk for chronic disease. Based on the most effective scientific strategies, this program was created with ground-breaking information that is simple and easy to implement. You don’t have to:
- Buy expensive prepackaged meals.
- Take supplements or medications to boost your metabolism
- Spend time counting points or calories
- Exercise for several hours a week.
You are an intelligent person, capable of making your own decisions. That’s why I explain why my food recommendations are proven to produce more weight loss. I even provide a reference list of scientific studies so you can verify the results for yourself.The healthy meals I recommend are inexpensive, fast and easy to prepare, and provide options so you can select what you like to eat. You will lose fat instead of muscle, and feel satisfied instead of hungry. Best of all, you’ll see real results. By learning which foods will help you reduce inflammation, cholesterol, and triglycerides, you’ll see significant changes on lab tests in only 4 weeks.
For free, you will get:
- A downloadable PDF file that will explain the program
- A simple program that explains food that helps you lose weight and become healthy.
- Fast, easy and delicious recipes.
- Options if you don’t want to make any food yourself.
- Schedules and a grocery list to help you stay on track.
- Interactive emails every day for 30 days to reinforce new habits
- Ease your pain, increase your energy – lose weight!