What Can Taking Breaks From Sitting Do for You?

What Can Taking Breaks From Sitting Do for You?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
A new study reveals that reducing sedentary behavior at work can significantly lower your risks of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality (Gao W, et.al., 2024).
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Surprising benefits from taking glucosamine sulfate supplements

Surprising benefits from taking glucosamine sulfate supplements

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
A study of nearly half a million people found that those who regularly took glucosamine supplements had a 15% lower risk of dying from any cause.
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You have a lot of control over the risk factors for stroke

You have a lot of control over the risk factors for stroke

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
According to this study, over 90% of the global stroke burden is caused by modifiable risk factors. Achieving control of behavioral and metabolic risk factors could avert more than 3/4 of the global stroke burden.
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Oxidative stress is involved in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease

Oxidative stress is involved in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Increased oxidative stress has been documented in the frontal cortex in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and in patients with mild cognitive impairment (Ansari, MA 2010).  One of the emerging causative factors associated with Alzheimer’s pathology is oxidative stress. This AD-related increase in oxidative stress has been attributed to decreased levels...
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3 Important Benefits of Flax Seeds

3 Important Benefits of Flax Seeds

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
One of the impressive health benefits of flax seeds is the ability to decrease blood pressure (Rodriguez-Leyva D, et.al., 2013). In a double-blinded, placebo-controlled study, 30 g of flax seeds daily for 6 months reduced the systolic blood pressure of 10 mm Hg and the diastolic blood pressure with 7...
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Decreasing Inflammation is 1 Important Way to Increase Your Life Expectancy

Decreasing Inflammation is 1 Important Way to Increase Your Life Expectancy

The process of atherosclerosis is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and involves deposits of fat and especially LDL cholesterol into the blood vessel wall (Salisbury D, Bronas U, 2014). These researchers state that when the LDL cholesterol gets deposited into the vascular wall it can oxidize and cause injury...
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