The following research investigated if different ways of exercising can make a difference in your waist circumference (Dor-Haim H, et.al., 2022).
The participants were men who were recovering from myocardial infarction and was either put on a moderate-intensity continuous-aerobic training program, or aerobic interval exercise combined with alternating sets of resistance training (super-circuit training).
The researchers wanted to compare the effectiveness of both type of exercises on resting electrocardiographic, ECG; and heart rate variability, HRV and also changes in waist circumference.
They found that participants in both groups improved their ECG and HRV, but only the group doing super-circuit training had significant improvements in waist circumference.
Horesh Dor-Haim 1, Michal Horowitz 2, Eldad Yaakobi 3, Sara Katzburg 1 4, Sharon Barak, Intermittent aerobic-resistance interval training versus continues aerobic training: Improvement in cardiac electrophysiologic and anthropometric measures in male patients post myocadiac infarction, a randomized control trial, PLoS One.2022 May 3;17(5):e0267888.