Does it really make a difference in your waist size if you exercise a specific way?

Does it really make a difference in your waist size if you exercise a specific way?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
The following research investigated if different ways of exercising can make a difference in your waist circumference (Dor-Haim H,, 2022). The participants were men who were recovering from myocardial infarction and was either put on a moderate-intensity continuous-aerobic training program, or aerobic interval exercise combined with alternating sets of...
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Can the health of the lining of your intestines affect the size of your waist?

Can the health of the lining of your intestines affect the size of your waist?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
How big your waist is can tell you something about your risk for cardiovascular disease, the bigger the waist, the more of a risk. Most people would also prefer to have a slim look. Why do some people have a big waist? Is it just because they eat too much...
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Biological Aging

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Whatever your chronological age, your biological age may be more or less than that. If your chronological age is 60 years, you may biologically be only 50 if you are in good shape or it could be 70 if you are in bad shape.
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