How big your waist is can tell you something about your risk for cardiovascular disease, the bigger the waist, the more of a risk. Most people would also prefer to have a slim look. Why do some people have a big waist? Is it just because they eat too much of the wrong food, or could there be another reason as well? When researchers assessed intestinal permeability in normal to overweight women, they found something interesting(Gummesson A, et al, 2011). Intestinal permeability is an assessment of how big particles the intestinal lining will let through and allow to be absorbed into the blood. The researchers found that the women with a bigger waist also had increased intestinal permeability. They also found that visceral fat and liver fat were also increased with increased intestinal permeability. If you want to keep a slim waist and stay healthy it is important to keep your gastrointestinal tract healthy. There are several things you can do to improve your gastrointestinal function. I will write more about that later, but an easy thing you can do is to take a probiotic formula which there are many. Use one which is based on scientific evidence verifying the benefits.

Gastrointestinal Support
The probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii has shown to exert an anti-inflammatory effect on intestinal epithelial cells (Sougioultzis S, et al. 2006). Saccharomyces has shown to significantly reduce the frequency and duration of acute diarrhea in children (Billoo AG, et al. 2006. Kurugol Z, et al. 2005). There is evidence that Saccharomyces reduces the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea in children (Kotowska M, et al. 2005).