Meat and Type 2 Diabetes: The Risk You Didn't See Coming

You wouldn't think a simple meal choice could have such a significant impact on your health, but recent research led by the University of Cambridge has some eye-opening findings on meat consumption and type 2 diabetes.

Here's the scoop: A massive study, involving nearly 2 million adults from 20 countries, dug deep into the link between meat consumption and type 2 diabetes. The results? Not great news for meat lovers. It turns out, eating more unprocessed red meat, processed meat, and even poultry is linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes (Li C, 2024).

For every 100 grams of unprocessed red meat or poultry you eat daily, your risk goes up by about 8-10%. It's even worse with processed meats like bacon or sausages - just 50 grams a day could hike your risk by 15%.

What's really interesting is that these findings held up across the globe - whether you're in North America, Europe, or the Western Pacific, the risk is there. But here's the twist: if you swap processed meats for unprocessed red meat or poultry, your risk actually drops.

This study is huge because it's the most comprehensive look at this topic to date, and it's making one thing clear: cutting down on meat, especially the processed stuff, might be key to keeping diabetes at bay.

So, the takeaway? You might want to think twice before loading up on that next steak or hot dog. Your future self could thank you for it.

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Li C, Bishop TRP, Imamura F, Sharp SJ, Pearce M, Brage S, et al. Meat consumption and incident type 2 diabetes: an individual-participant federated meta-analysis of 1,97 million adults with 100,000 incident cases from 31 cohorts in 20 countries. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2024 Sep;12(9):619-630.

  • Category: News
  • Author: Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
  • Published: 2024-08-23
  • Comments: 0
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