In this study the researchers measured blood cell (RBC) status of DHA which is an objective measure of long-term dietary DHA intake (Sala Vila A, et al. 2022).
DHA is one of the omega 3 fatty acids. They also examined the association of RBC DHA as it related to Alzheimer’s disease risk. The participants were 1490 dementia-free participants aged 65 years or older, and they were followed for an average of 7.2 years.
This is what they found. The risk for Alzheimer’s disease was 49% lower in the highest fifth RBC DHA quintile compared with the lowest quintile.
This was predicted to provide an estimated 4.7 additional years of life free of Alzheimer’s.
EPA is another omega 3 fatty acid found in fish oil which provides many benefits.
Use a fish oil high in both DHA and EPA since both fatty acids provide benefits. The fish oil should also have been tested for contaminants.
Aleix Sala-Vila 1 2, Claudia L Satizabal 3 4 5 6, Nathan Tintle 1 7, Debora Melo van Lent 3 4 5 6, Ramachandran S Vasan 8, Alexa S Beiser 9, Sudha Seshadri 3 4 5 6, William S Harris, Red Blood Cell DHA Is Inversely Associated with Risk of Incident Alzheimer's Disease and All-Cause Dementia: Framingham Offspring Study, Nutrients. 2022 Jun 9;14(12):2408.