The reduction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been shown to affect cognitive function, learning, and memory and also causes behavioral disorders. There are however several ways to increase BDNF. The following research reviewed several studies which investigated the effect of curcumin on BDNF (Sarraf P,, 2019). The supplemented dose of curcumin the participants took ranged from 200 to 1820 mg per day, and the studies lasted from 8 to 12 weeks, The researchers found that curcumin significantly increased BDNF levels. Curcumin is not well absorbed unless it has been manufactured to improve absorption. In this research the dose varied quite a bit in the different studies which were included. If you take a curcumin formula shown to be better absorbed, you don’t have to take a very high dose. It is for that reason a very easy way to increase BDNF levels.
Reference: Sarraf P, Parohan M, Javanbakht MH, Ranji-Burachaloo S, Djalali M. Short-term curcumin supplementation enhances serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor in adult men and women: a a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutr Res. 2019 May 9;69:1-8.
Better Curcumin
- We added boron to provide even more benefits. There is no other formula like this.
- Curcumin is a good antioxidant, but it is especially effective in helping to reduce inflammation. For these reasons, curcumin provides many health benefits.
- The raw material used in the Better Curcumin formula is the only form of curcumin shown to pass through the blood-brain barrier and improve memory
- This study also showed a significant reduction in both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, the so-called bad cholesterol.
- The following research shows that this form of curcumin is 65 times more bioavailable than regular curcumin