You don’t want to have a high resting heart rate.
A resting heart rate above 65 beats per minute is a strong independent risk factor for
premature mortality and stroke and also cardiovascular disease (Woodward M,, 2014).
There is good evidence for an increased risk of cardiovascular disease with an elevated resting
heart rate (Cooney MT,,2010).
10,519 men and 11,334 women were included in this research, excluding those with preexisting
coronary heart disease.
Aerobic exercise can reduce the resting heart rate, that’s logical, but there is more than
one way to reduce it.
One type of food has shown to be able to do it even slightly more effectively than aerobic
exercise (Jenkins DJ,et al., 2012).
That food was beans.
The abstract of the article doesn’t show that, but you will find it in the table showing the results, if
you read the whole article.
It’s quite amazing that food like beans can lower resting heart rate, but the evidence is
Cooney MT, Vartiainen E, Laatikainen T, Juolevi A, Dudina A, Graham IM. Elevated resting heart
rate is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in healthy men and women. Am
Heart J. 2010 Apr;159(4):612-619.
Jenkins DJ, Kendall CW, Augustin LS, Mitchell S, Sahye-Pudaruth S, Blanco Mejia S, Chiavaroli L,
Mirrahimi A, Ireland C, Bashyam B, Vidgen E, de Souza RJ, Sievenpiper JL, Coveney J, Leiter LA,
Josse RG. Effect of legumes as part of a low glycemic index diet on glycemic control and
cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Intern
Med. 2012 Nov 26;172(21):1653-60.
Woodward M, Webster R, Murakami Y, Barzi F, Lam TH, Fang X, Suh I, Batty GD, Huxley R,
Rodgers, The association between resting heart rate, cardiovascular disease and mortality:
evidence from 112,680 men and women in 12 cohorts. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2014