The reviewed research investigated the association between red meat and poultry intake and advanced prostate cancer (Joshi AD, et al. 2012). The researchers looked at the cooking practices and the carcinogens that accumulate in cooked meats. The researchers observed a positive association between risk of advanced prostate cancer and high intake of red meat cooked at high temperatures, cooked by pan-frying and cooked until well-done. An inverse association was observed for baked poultry. The carcinogens which accumulate in meat when cooked at high temperatures seem to be the problem. Eliminating red meat from your diet and finding other alternatives like chicken, fish and turkey or eating a vegetarian diet seems to be safer, since there are also other studies showing that red meat may not be the healthiest food.
Joshi AD, Corral R, Catsburg C, Lewinger JP, Koo J, John EM, Ingles SA, Stern MC. Red meat and poultry, cooking practices, genetic susceptibility and risk of prostate cancer: results from a multiethnic case-control study. Carcinogenesis. 2012 Nov;33(11):2108-18. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgs242. Epub 2012 Jul 20.
  • Category: News
  • Author: tissuerecovery Admin
  • Published: 2020-03-28
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