The reviewed research is interesting because it shows results from taking magnesium that most people would find surprising(Rodriguez-Moran M, Guerrero-Romero F, 2014).Participants in this study had metabolic syndrome and low levels of magnesium. They were given magnesium or a placebo once a day for 4 months. At the end of the study period, the blood pressure, insulin resistance index, fasting glucose and triglyceride levels all improved in the participants taking the magnesium.How can only taking magnesium change all these things? The reason is that magnesium is a very important mineral, and it is involved in many important metabolic functions. In this case it improved insulin resistance with 46.5 percent. When insulin sensitivity improves not only will blood glucose levels improve, but blood pressure and triglyceride levels as well. Usually cholesterol will also improve, but that was not measured in this case.When taking magnesium, you should take it with other minerals, since minerals affect each other, and magnesium helps regulate intra and extra cellular calcium levels. This may also help to prevent calcium from getting deposited in places you don't want it.Magnesium comes in different forms. The most common form is magnesium oxide because it is the cheapest form, but it is very poorly absorbed, and it can also give you diarrhea.A better form of magnesium is a special form of amino acid chelate. This form is much better absorbed and will not giving you diarrhea.