A common denominator in all conditions associated with COVID-19 appears to be the impaired redox homeostasis responsible for reactive oxygen species accumulation causing free radical damage; therefore, levels of glutathione, the key anti-oxidant guardian in all tissues, could be critical in extinguishing the exacerbated inflammation that triggers organ failure in COVID-19 (Silvagno F, et.al., 2020).
Simply explained, redox homeostasis is a balance between antioxidants and free radicals.
Glutathione is one of the major protectors of the body when exposed to increased free radical damage from viral attacks or other causes. This results in lower levels of glutathione and decreased protection.
That’s why the researchers referenced above describes the relevance of restoring glutathione levels in the attempt to protect the most vulnerable people from severe symptoms.
Is it possible to supply glutathione in a way that increases the intracellular levels of glutathione? Yes, it is.
While not all forms of glutathione is able to do that, S-Acetyl Glutathione is not oxidized in the stomach and can support the tissue in need.
It is also very important to implement a low glycemic index, high nutrient diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Silvagno F, Vernone A, Pescarmona GP. The Role of Glutathione in Protecting against the Severe Inflammatory Response Triggered by COVID-19. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Jul 16;9(7):624.