Healthy ageing can be defined as survival without chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, lung disease, and severe chronic kidney disease, and the absence of cognitive and physical dysfunction, after age 65.
The following research investigated if circulating omega 3 fatty levels had an effect on healthy ageing (Lai HT, et l., 2018).
2622 healthy adults with an average age of 74.4 years from four communities in the United States were included, and the research went on from 1992 to 2015.
Levels of plasma omega 3 fatty acids from both plants and seafood were measured 3 times during the study period using gas chromatography.
The researchers found that EPA and DPA, both omega 3 fatty acids from seafood, were associated with a lower risk of unhealthy aging. They did not find a lower risk of unhealthy aging from the omega 3 plant source and the omega 3 fatty acid DHA from seafood.
Heidi Tm Lai, Marcia C de Oliveira Otto, Rozenn N Lemaitre, Barbara McKnight, Xiaoling Song, Irena B King, Paulo Hm Chaves, Michelle C Odden, Anne B Newman, David S Siscovick, Dariush Mozaffarian, Serial circulating omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and healthy ageing among older adults in the Cardiovascular Health Study: prospective cohort study, BMJ. 2018 Oct 17;363:k4067.