Taurine E

Product Code: TAU1

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Taurine E
Try it if you have low energy.
Taurine is an amino acid, but why is taurine important?

Recent research published in the journal Science starts with the headline Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging (Singh P, et.al., 2023).

They go on saying that concentrations of circulating taurine decline with aging in mice, monkeys, and humans. Supplementation with taurine increased the health span (the period of healthy living) and life span in mice and health span in monkeys. In humans, lower taurine concentrations correlated with several age-related diseases.

Taurine has also been found to suppress mitochondrial dysfunction, decrease DNA damage, and decrease inflammation among other things.

Taurine plays a vital role in the energy metabolism (Wen C, et., al., 2019). Supplementation with taurine can strengthen the energy metabolism in muscle performance, cardiac function, liver activity, and adipose tissue.

Studies have shown that taurine supplementation protects against pathologies associated with mitochondrial defects, such as aging, mitochondrial diseases, metabolic syndrome, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders (Jong CJ, et., al., 2021).

A vast literature reported beneficial effects of taurine in liver dysfunction, gastrointestinal injury, kidney diseases, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Most of its effects were attributed to its modulation of Ca2+ homeostasis as well as to its antioxidant properties (Bkaily G, et., al., 2020).

A placebo controlled study showed that taurine supplementation significantly reduced blood pressure in pre-hypertensive individuals (Sun Q, et.,al., 2016).

A review of 19 studies related to improved sports performance showed that taurine dosing appears to be effective at 1-3 grams per day when used 1-3 hours before an activity which may improve aerobic performance, anaerobic performance (strength, power), recovery, and a decrease in metabolic markers (creatine kinase, lactate, inorganic phosphate) (Kurtz JA, et., al., 2021).


Ghassan Bkaily 1, Ashley Jazzar 1 1, Alexandre Normand 1 1, Yanick Simon 1 1, Johny Al-Khoury 1 1, Danielle Jacques 1. Taurine and cardiac disease: state of the art and perspectives. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2020 Feb;98(2):67-73.

Chian Ju Jong 1, Priyanka Sandal 1, Stephen W Schaffer 2. The Role of Taurine in Mitochondria Health: More Than Just an Antioxidant. Molecules. 2021 Aug 13;26(16):4913.

Jennifer A Kurtz 1, Trisha A VanDusseldorp 2, J Andrew Doyle 3, Jeffrey S Otis 3. Taurine in sports and exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2021 May 26;18(1):39.

Parminder Singh # 1, Kishore Gollapalli # 2, Stefano Mangiola # 3 4 5 6, Daniela Schranner # 7 8, Mohd Aslam Yusuf # 9, Manish Chamoli # 10, Sting L Shi 2, Bruno Lopes Bastos 11, Tripti Nair 12, Annett Riermeier 7, Elena M Vayndorf 13, Judy Z Wu 13, Aishwarya Nilakhe 1, Christina Q Nguyen 13, Michael Muir 13, Michael G Kiflezghi 13, Anna Foulger 10, Alex Junker 14, Jack Devine 14, Kunal Sharan 15, Shankar J Chinta 10, Swati Rajput 16, Anand Rane 10, Philipp Baumert 7, Martin Schönfelder 7, Francescopaolo Iavarone 17, Giorgia di Lorenzo 17, Swati Kumari 1, Alka Gupta 1, Rajesh Sarkar 1, Costerwell Khyriem 18 19, Amanpreet S Chawla 20 21, Ankur Sharma 18 19, Nazan Sarper 22, Naibedya Chattopadhyay 16, Bichitra K Biswal 1, Carmine Settembre 17 23, Perumal Nagarajan 24 25, Kimara L Targoff 26, Martin Picard 14, Sarika Gupta 1, Vidya Velagapudi 27, Anthony T Papenfuss 3 4, Alaattin Kaya 28, Miguel Godinho Ferreira 11, Brian K Kennedy 29 30 31, Julie K Andersen 10, Gordon J Lithgow 10, Abdullah Mahmood Ali 32, Arnab Mukhopadhyay 12, Aarno Palotie 27 33 34, Gabi Kastenmüller 8, Matt Kaeberlein 13, Henning Wackerhage 7, Bhupinder Pal 3 4 5 6, Vijay K Yadav 1 2 15 35. Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging. Science. 2023 Jun 9;380(6649):eabn9257.

Qianqian Sun 1, Bin Wang 1, Yingsha Li 1, Fang Sun 1, Peng Li 1, Weijie Xia 1, Xunmei Zhou 1, Qiang Li 1, Xiaojing Wang 1, Jing Chen 1, Xiangru Zeng 1, Zhigang Zhao 1, Hongbo He 1, Daoyan Liu 2, Zhiming Zhu 2. Taurine Supplementation Lowers Blood Pressure and Improves Vascular Function in Prehypertension: Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Hypertension. 2016 Mar;67(3):541-9.

Chaoyue Wen 1, Fengna Li 2 3, Lingyu Zhang 2 4, Yehui Duan 2, Qiuping Guo 2 4, Wenlong Wang 1, Shanping He 1, Jianzhong Li 1, Yulong Yin 2 3. Taurine is Involved in Energy Metabolism in Muscles, Adipose Tissue, and the Liver. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2019 Jan;63(2):e1800536.