How little can you exercise and still receive benefits?

How little can you exercise and still receive benefits?

Sitting for long hours can elevate post-meal blood fat levels (triglycerides), a risk factor for heart disease. A small study tested whether hourly 4-second intense cycling sprints could improve this (Wolfe AS,,2020).

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This may surprise you about exercise.

This may surprise you about exercise.

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
Everybody knows that exercise is beneficial, but what does it take to get benefits? If you prefer spending as little time as possible exercising because you have plenty of other things you want to do, this should interest you. The following research investigated if the interruption of prolonged 8 hours...
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Is there an effective way to lower blood pressure without medications?

Is there an effective way to lower blood pressure without medications?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler, Ph.D., L.Ac.
It is very common–even if it is not necessary–to see that the blood pressure is increasing with age.   With medications, blood pressure usually comes down, but it may still not be as low as we would like it to be. Blood pressure medications also comes with side effects. What else can...
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Higher intake of this important mineral shows reduced risk for metabolic syndrome.

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Strokes linked to increased nonfasting triglycerides

Strokes linked to increased nonfasting triglycerides

  Non-fasting triglycerides mean the fat that is transported by your blood throughout the day. It has been common practice for many years to test the fasting level of triglycerides together with cholesterol. It is less common however to test the triglyceride levels during the day when we have been eating because...
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