Can a simple thing like this help us stay healthier as we get older?

Can a simple thing like this help us stay healthier as we get older?

  There is not much point in living a very long life if we don’t feel and function good.  So what can you do to improve your odds of staying healthy? A low glycemic index, high nutrient plant based diet and regular exercise would help you do that, but you...
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Is a high protein weight loss diet the best approach if you want to lose weight?

Is a high protein weight loss diet the best approach if you want to lose weight?

" Is a high protein weight loss diet the best approach if you want to lose weight?       In this study, two diets containing different amounts of protein were compared (Smith GI, et al., 2016). The participants, obese postmenopausal women lost 10% weight using a diet providing either...
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How long does it take to reduce cardiovascular risk by changing what you eat?

How long does it take to reduce cardiovascular risk by changing what you eat?

"  How long does it take to reduce cardiovascular risk by changing what you eat?   This research was conducted to investigate the effect on cardiovascular risk factors using only food (McDougall J,, 2014). 1615 people participated in this research. The protocol was implemented for only 7 days, and...
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The importance of this vitamin and why some people may not be getting enough of it

"Thiamine vitamin B1 is an essential cofactor for 4 enzymes involved in the production of energy (ATP) and the synthesis of essential cellular molecules.  The total body stores of thiamine are relatively small, and thiamine deficiency can develop  secondary to inadequate nutrition, high alcohol consumption, increased urinary excretion and acute...
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Want to slow down brain atrophy?

Want to slow down brain atrophy?

"Most likely everybody would like to slow down brain atrophy. Who wouldn't like more brain power? But is that even possible? Take a look at the results from this research. 168 elderly people (≥70 y)  with mild cognitive impairment were included and randomly assigned to either a placebo group or to...
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A lesser-known benefit of a plant based diet

A lesser-known benefit of a plant based diet

  You may not have heard about Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), but this metabolite is created by the bacterial flora in the gut in response to certain food components.  This is the process.TMAO originates from a precursor, trimethylamine (TMA) that is a metabolite of mainly choline and carnitine from ingested foods...
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This function is involved in a variety conditions from viral diseases to heart disease, stroke and diabetes

This function is involved in a variety conditions from viral diseases to heart disease, stroke and diabetes

Vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.   The endothelium is the inner layer of the blood vessels and is extremely important. When the endothelium is functioning normally, it helps to regulate blood clotting, assists the body’s immune response, controls the volume of...
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Decrease blood pressure and cardiovascular risk by affecting this nerve

Decrease blood pressure and cardiovascular risk by affecting this nerve

You don’t need any equipment or take any pills to decrease blood pressure and cardiovascular risk. When a broad range of indicators of vagal function were tested, the researchers of the following study showed that decreased vagal function is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality (Thayer...
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Do you want a bigger brain and better memory?

Is it really possible to increase the size of the brain later in life? Data from a randomized controlled study of 155 older women, who participated in 52 weeks of resistance training showed reduced cortical white matter atrophy on MRI scans when compared with the control group (Best JR,,...
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Can Omega 3 Fatty Acids Affect Your Mood?

Can Omega 3 Fatty Acids Affect Your Mood?

Omega 3 fatty acids have been demonstrated to significantly influence the nervous system and affect brain structures. Can omega 3 fat also impact the way you feel emotionally? This was evaluated in young adults with depressive symptoms by giving them 1.4 g of EPA and DHA, the active ingredients of...
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Change The Structure Of Your Brain And Improve Your Memory With This Fat

Change The Structure Of Your Brain And Improve Your Memory With This Fat

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
You may think it sounds too good to be true to be able to change your brain structure by only eating a certain type of fat. The following research is however of very high-quality and included structural neuroimaging, cognitive performance testing, vascular markers and additional blood tests (Witte AV,,...
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