Can a simple thing like this help us stay healthier as we get older?

Can a simple thing like this help us stay healthier as we get older?

  There is not much point in living a very long life if we don’t feel and function good.  So what can you do to improve your odds of staying healthy? A low glycemic index, high nutrient plant based diet and regular exercise would help you do that, but you...
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How long does it take to reduce cardiovascular risk by changing what you eat?

How long does it take to reduce cardiovascular risk by changing what you eat?

"  How long does it take to reduce cardiovascular risk by changing what you eat?   This research was conducted to investigate the effect on cardiovascular risk factors using only food (McDougall J,, 2014). 1615 people participated in this research. The protocol was implemented for only 7 days, and...
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What is TMAO, and why should you avoid it?

What is TMAO, and why should you avoid it?

  What is TMAO, and why should you avoid it?   The bacterial flora of the intestines convert choline into trimethylamine, which again isconverted into TMAO (trimethylamine-N-oxide) by the involvement of an enzyme fromthe liver.     Choline is found in animal-derived products like eggs, dairy products, and meat.The following...
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Improve your genetic potential

Improve your genetic potential

While we can’t change our genes yet, we can however improve the expression of our genes.  There are several factors that affect how we express our genes. One of the more important factors is stress. In this study, researchers tested several functions after a practice session of healthy individuals who had...
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Feel more relaxed, improve your focus and be more stress resistant by controlling your breathing.

Feel more relaxed, improve your focus and be more stress resistant by controlling your breathing.

The way you breathe has a strong effect on how you feel and function. Research has shown that the amount of times you breath and also how you breathe is important. The following study included 47 healthy college students which implemented different breathing patterns (Lin IM, et., al., 2014). Anxiety and...
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Do you want a bigger brain and better memory?

Is it really possible to increase the size of the brain later in life? Data from a randomized controlled study of 155 older women, who participated in 52 weeks of resistance training showed reduced cortical white matter atrophy on MRI scans when compared with the control group (Best JR,,...
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