A lot has been written about the effect salt may have on your blood pressure, but not much has been mentioned about the topic of the reviewed research.In this research the results of several studies which included 409,707 participants were included (Malik AH, et al. 2014). The researchers investigated how a common habit many people have may affect their blood pressure, and that habit was drinking sugar sweetened beverages.They found that the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages were associated with higher blood pressure leading to increased incidence of hypertension.Comparatively few people may be aware of the health hazards of sweet soft drinks. Many also still think that a glass of fruit juice is a very healthy choice, but it is actually loaded with sugar. Keep that in mind especially now when it is summer and you want to pick up something to drink.Water is certainly the best choice, but if you want something sparkly, use carbonated water and squeeze some lemon juice in it if you want more taste.