This is very important. These are the biggest nutrient factors influencing cardiovascular mortality.

This research may surprise you.

The researchers evaluated the association between specific patterns of protein intake and
cardiovascular mortality in 81.337 men and women, and they found some interesting associations
(Tharrey M,, 2018).

The risk for cardiovascular mortality was 61% higher for those who had the highest intake of meat protein, but it was 60% lower for those who had the highest protein intake from nuts and seeds (highest versus lowest quintile scores).

Adjustments for the participant’s vegetarian dietary pattern and nutrients related to cardiovascular disease outcomes did not change the results.

This is very important.

The researchers concluded that the associations between the ‘Meat’ and ‘Nuts & Seeds’ protein factors and cardiovascular outcomes were strong and could not be ascribed to other associated nutrients considered to be important for cardiovascular health.

In the following study the researchers looked at the association between protein intake and ischemic heart disease in 43.960 healthy men (Preis SR,, 2010). They categorized healthy men as those free of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes at the start of the study.

When they compared the intake of animal protein with vegetable protein, they found higher intake of animal protein to be associated with an increased risk for ischemic heart disease. The follow up was 18 years.

There are also other studies indicating the same thing. This is worthwhile paying attention to.

This is good news when you think about it. You have a lot of control when it comes to significantly reducing your risk for cardiovascular disease. No medication can offer you these kind of benefits, and there are no side effects.

Preis SR, Stampfer MJ, Spiegelman D, Willett WC, Rimm EB. Dietary protein and risk of ischemic heart
disease in middle-aged men. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 Nov;92(5):1265-72.

Tharrey M, Mariotti F, Mashchak A, Barbillon P, Delattre M, Fraser GE. Patterns of plant and animal
protein intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality: the Adventist Health Study-2
cohort. Int J Epidemiol. 2018 Apr 2.


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  • Category: Diet
  • Author: Didrik Sopler
  • Published: 2020-03-28
  • Comments: 0
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