Why is it important to know the immediate effects of your meals?

Why is it important to know the immediate effects of your meals?

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
When you have your yearly medical checkup, your doctor usually runs a blood test to see how your biochemistry is when you are in a fasted state.  You should have the blood drawn in the morning before you eat anything. While this gives both your doctor and you an idea...
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What type of protein is best if you want to live longer?

What type of protein is best if you want to live longer?

  Does the source of protein really matter as long as we get an adequate supply? That’s exactly what the researchers of the following study investigated.  85 013 women and 46 329 men, a total of 131342 participants were included in this research (Song M, et.al., 2016). They examined the associations of animal...
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