Effective Liposomal Glutathione

We have updated our glutathione formula to a new form of liposomal glutathione and increased the amount of glutathione per capsule.


This specific liposomal glutathione formulation has been verified to increase blood levels 20 times higher than regular reduced glutathione (Blair E, Miller A, 2023).

This formulation also decreased blood mercury levels by 39% within 30 days of supplementation (Blair E, Miller A, 2023).

Glutathione is your primary defense against aging.

As we get older, our cells begin to lose their ability to repair themselves. We make less glutathione, and we need more. In certain conditions, younger people may need more glutathione as well.

Glutathione helps your cells function and supports a healthy immune system.

Research shows that glutathione deficiency can lead to increased susceptibility to diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. The challenge is getting glutathione into your system. The regular glutathione supplement you see on store shelves is basically useless because it is destroyed in your stomach.

Effective Liposomal Glutathione Label and Supplement Facts


We increased the amount of glutathione in the capsules. Our serving size is now 500 mg to make it easier for you to get the best results.

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Glutathione is not an anti-inflammatory, but inflammation is inducing oxidative stress (Khansari N, et al. 2009). Free radical damage can also cause inflammation.

It makes sense to take glutathione when having neurological symptoms since glutathione is a very effective antioxidant and helps to protect every tissue in the body.

As we get older, our cells begin to lose their ability to repair themselves. We make less glutathione, and we actually need more. In certain conditions, younger people may need more glutathione as well.

Glutathione helps your cells function better and supports a healthy immune system. Research shows that glutathione deficiency can lead to increased susceptibility to diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

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The challenge is getting glutathione into your system

The regular glutathione supplement you see on store shelves is basically useless because it is destroyed in your stomach. The most common oral form of glutathione on the market is oxidized before your body can use it and absorb it into your cells. Our liposomal glutathione is bio-available, which means your body can absorb and use it easily.

Glutathione helps detoxify your body

At the cell level, glutathione is involved in detoxifying your body and supporting your immune system. Studies show that glutathione can help protect you from getting the flu, and found that people with both low HDL (the good cholesterol) and low glutathione activity are at increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Liposomal glutathione is stable in the intestines and the blood, so it reaches the cells in the tissues and organs throughout your body, protecting you from oxidative damage.

Increased oxidative stress and lower antioxidant levels are associated with mood disorders and depression (Hirose A, et al. 2016, Bajpai A, et al. 2014).

Glutathione depletion plays a role in the pathophysiology of several neuroimmune disorders, including depression (Morris G, et al. 2014).

Our Effective Liposomal Glutathione is easy to take because it comes in capsule form.

Why not start turning back the clock, little by little?

Data suggest that glutathione has an anti-influenza activity in vitro and in vivo (Cai J, et al. 2003). Oxidative stress or other conditions that deplete glutathione in the epithelium of the oral, nasal, and upper airway may, therefore, enhance susceptibility to influenza infection.

Research has established increased oxidative damage from lipid peroxidation as well as protein, DNA and RNA oxidation, in areas of the brain resulting in early events of Alzheimer’s disease (Markesberry WR, Lovell MA, 2007).

The generation of reactive oxygen species is increased in diabetes and insulin resistance (Rosen P. et.al., 2001). This means more free radical damage.

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Blair E, Miller A. Absorption, Safety, and Detoxification Effects of Oral Liposomal Glutathione. Townsend Letter. 2023 Mar.
Bajpai A1, Verma AK2, Srivastava M3, Srivastava R4. Oxidative stress and major depression. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Dec;8(12):CC04-7. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/10258.5292. Epub 2014 Dec 5.
Ballatori N, Krance SM, Notenboom S, Shi S, Tieu K, Hammond CL. Glutathione dysregulation and the etiology and progression of human diseases. Biol Chem. 2009 Mar;390(3):191-214.
Buijsse B, Lee DH, Steffen L, Erickson RR, Luepker RV, Jacobs DR Jr, Holtzman JL. Low serum glutathione peroxidase activity is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in individuals with low HDLc’s. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e38901. Epub 2012 Jun 15.
Cai J, Chen Y, Seth S, Furukawa S, Compans RW, Jones DP. Inhibition of influenza infection by glutathione. Free Radic Biol Med. 2003 Apr 1;34(7):928-36.
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Hirose A1, Terauchi M2, Akiyoshi M1, Owa Y1, Kato K1, Kubota T1. Depressive symptoms are associated with oxidative stress in middle-aged women: a cross-sectional study. Biopsychosoc Med. 2016 Apr 26;10:12. doi: 10.1186/s13030-016-0066-4. eCollection 2016.
Khansari N1, Shakiba Y, Mahmoudi M. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress as a major cause of age-related diseases and cancer. Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov. 2009 Jan;3(1):73-80.
Lomaestro BM, Malone M. Glutathione in health and disease: pharmacotherapeutic issues. Ann Pharmacother. 1995 Dec;29(12):1263-73.
Markesbery WR1, Lovell MA. Damage to lipids, proteins, DNA, and RNA in mild cognitive impairment. Arch Neurol. 2007 Jul;64(7):954-6.
Morris G1, Anderson G, Dean O, Berk M, Galecki P, Martin-Subero M, Maes M. The glutathione system: a new drug target in neuroimmune disorders. Mol Neurobiol. 2014 Dec;50(3):1059-84. doi: 10.1007/s12035-014-8705-x. Epub 2014 Apr 22.
Rösen P1, Nawroth PP, King G, Möller W, Tritschler HJ, Packer L. The role of oxidative stress in the onset and progression of diabetes and its complications: a summary of a Congress Series sponsored by UNESCO-MCBN, the American Diabetes Association and the German Diabetes Society. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2001 May-Jun;17(3):189-212.